Don’t make a promise you can’t keep. Probably something your mother told you. I’m not pointing my finger, but I often tell this to families in anticipation of a pediatrician’s visit, too. Do your best not to promise “no shots” prior to a visit. Although you may think your child is “up to date” on […]
A Divide Between Doctor And Patient: Protocol
There are things we (the providers) do to health care that are hurtful. We make protocols and rules that divide us from our patients. Protocols that sometimes make patients feel alone, distant, and disconnected from their doctors. I don’t mean algorithms of care (safe, standardized ways of how and why to treat pneumonia, for example), […]
A Sunday Drive
Out for a Sunday drive. Just two little boys and the open road…
"Eeeeee" My New Favorite Syllable
O has added some syllables to his vocabulary over the last 10 days. And they are simply delightful. Precious, really. Warning: this post sounds like it’s written by his mom. O has been embellishing his sentences with a little “eeeee” at the end of words. The Popsicle is now “cold-eeee” when he grabs it. The […]
Drowning: Quieter, Faster, & Closer Than You Think
Two teenagers died in New York yesterday. Not from a gun shot, a car crash, or suicides. Rather, they drowned in a popular swimming hole in the Bronx river on a hot summer day. I hate stories like that. Hate hearing it, hate seeing the headline. A total failure for prevention efforts. I talk about […]
Eat Your Veggies, Create A Rooster Tail At 74
This is my Father-in-Law. He’s turning 75 this year. He’s a smart, earnest man. I learn from him every time I have the luxury to see him. It’s not just the little things he says, the wisdom he imparts, the places and spaces we disagree, or the way he parents the husband. More, it’s the […]
A Sigh Breath: More Than A Metaphor
It’s been a thunderous week. I’ve swept through emotions like a teenager. People who know me, know what these weeks look like. Not unstable, just exuberant. I consider my emotions a strength. I know they help me empathize and advocate for my patients. I count on my ability to feel and connect with others to […]
Dreaming of Being A Big Boy
F watching the big boys play ball. With the World Cup capturing the attention of most of us on the globe, I trust there are kids scattered around the entire planet dreaming. Doesn’t matter on what continent you plant your feet, or which game you call your own, at one point or another, we all […]
Dropper, Syringe or Cap? Dosing Liquid Medications
Here’s a quick video about dosing liquid medications for infants and children. Some tips on how to avoid giving the incorrect dose. Measuring liquid medications & vitamins for children demands having the proper tools–which we don’t always have. It seems, 12 minutes after I come home with medications, I lose that pesky cap… So take […]