Last year 180 children died in the United States from influenza infections or complications from the infection. And like many seasons before, about 80% of those children who died didn’t get a flu shot. As many pediatricians and parents remember, the influenza (“flu”) season was robust last year, coming on earlier than we expected, driving […]
5 Ways To Protect Babies And Children In The Car: No Age Limit For Rear-Facing Car Seats
Unbelievable coincidence today: I stayed back this morning to finish this post while my family dropped off my son for a birthday party. There are complex carpools happening to get to the party (thank you, Village!) and while sorting it out someone offered my nine year-old a seat in a car — saying it would […]
Quick Reminder: Children Need To Play
Rounding off the summer with a somewhat obvious reminder to let our children play. This, as we bolster ourselves for the onslaught of the school year. Play remains an essential element of childhood and is good for children (of any age). Eating-vegetables-good-for-them but a lot more fun. Summer has been a gorgeous reminder for me […]
What Is Dry Drowning
There was a media blitz on “dry drowning” last summer, just about this time, on a topic that is stirring up angst and worry among parents again this year. There’s good reason it makes parents nervous – drowning at baseline is a preventable tragedy that is terrifying to think on– and it’s the leading cause of […]
10 Things To Do While You Wear Orange To Support Reducing Gun Violence
Bravery — this is gonna take ongoing bravery! Today is National Gun Violence Prevention Day and many around our country are rallying by wearing orange. Wear orange, please, but let’s remember that this is a long-term effort — to protect our children this is an everyday thing to help shape and change our culture. We […]
No Benzocaine For Teething Babies
Hallelujah, I’ve been saying I don’t like teething gels since 2010. This is a PSA for all parents out there trying to help soothe their teething baby. Today, the FDA came out and said avoid using over-the-counter teething products containing benzocaine. That means no teething gels like Anbesol, Baby Orajel, Cepacol, Chloraseptic, Hurricaine, Orabase, Orajel, […]
5 Quick Things: Hot Cars, 13 Reasons Why, Marijuana Smoke, Single Sports, Co-Sleeping
I recently changed up the format of reporting I do with my local NBC affiliate station KING5 News. I’m doing more of a weekly roundup of pediatric studies, current events and newsworthy topics that I think are important for parents to know about. For those of you who aren’t able to tune in, I wanted […]
Is Co-Sleeping Safe? Do You Do It?
[socialpoll id=”2504050″] The short answer to the title is —- not really, and the risk varies. But I sure get why so many parents want to co-sleep despite most pediatricians urging against it. I was up early yesterday morning listening to NPR when a story about parents’ love and desire to sleep with their babies […]
Car Seats and Booster Seats And Your Precious Cargo While Carpooling
A friend pulled me aside last week urging me to write about car seat and seatbelt safety. His family had been involved in a rollover accident on the way home from school — literally, just turning in an intersection, as I understand it, they were plowed into by another car which caused their car to […]